Category: Small Groups

Help Promote the Network

We hope you enjoyed the virtual Theology Conference in February and continue to find refreshment in the Psalms! If you missed it, links to two inspiring sessions and all the rest are here.  Several dozen EFCA leaders joined the zoom for our annual Network business meeting. You can look over the highlights or watch the whole… Continue Reading “Help Promote the Network”

Our idolatrous substitutes for the Local Church

Admittedly, a tough title; and this review may not lead you to buy the book, but it should give you pause as you contemplate the community of the local church. Warning: it is a little difficult to digest but well worth it.

A Subtle Radical Shift: Home Group

Several years ago, our Life Group/Bible Study group happened upon a helpful and heartening new way to do “Bible Study.” We are not sure how it developed but we have all benefitted greatly from this new way of meeting. We meet once a week… Continue Reading “A Subtle Radical Shift: Home Group”